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Week 1

Introduction to online

adult teaching and learning

My points in what we're learning in adult education :) I added some personal points that I think it's important in AE.

Academic Review: 소개

Week 2

Understanding online pedagogies

learning theories in online education

I organized mind map based on online learning pedagogies. Click the 'go' button!

Academic Review: 소개

Week 3

Cognitive, Social, Affective and

Cultural Presence

Researching the community of inquiry framework: Review, issues, and future directions D. Randy Garrison a,⁎, J.B. Arbaugh b,1a

CoI is the abbreviation of "community of inquiry framework.", based on Dewey's theory and conducted by Garrison, Cleveland-Innes, and Fung(2004), Arbaugh(2007a), and Arbaugh and Hwang(2006).

It includes three elements :

1)  Social presence

-ability to emotional and social skills to protect learner themselves
-it can be learned from making affective communication and interacting in learning community

2) Cognitive presence

-learners can construct and confirm meaning in their reflection with studying
​-includes four process ; issue identified, exploration, integration(making high level of thinking), resolution

3) Teaching presence

-includes three components ; instructional design and organization, facilitating discourse, direct instruction
-guide for instructors, how can take care of learners' perspective during planning the course

It is helpful for instructor to make proper educational system or contents in learning environment(it can be a guide for them), and also it helps students feel close each other. 

Academic Review: 소개

Week 4

Building student engagement

What is othering?

I made a video about othering, based on the theory combined with my personal experience and thought.

Academic Review: 소개

Week 5

Open Educational Resources

Impact of OER use on teaching and learning : Data from OER Research Hub(2013-2014)

It's a research paper that based on data from OER.

There were hypothesis about students(formal, informal) and educators
: Using OER leads students' perfomance and satisfactation in learning, It could be an effective method for students who are at-risk, Informal learners can improve their skills and studying from a vast amount of information. Using OER leads instructors to make a critical reflection, and so on.

The results of hypothesis about using OER for students and instructors
: Over 70% of informal learners uses OER,
They said they can find their interest by using OER, around 20% of them mentioned that they want to go to take a paid-for course.

Formal learners get a positive impact from using OER, it helps students to complete study. They usually use OER as a supportive thing for studying.

For educators, it is apparent that using OER makes instructors' self reflective practice. They can get new inspirations from using open resources.

Academic Review: 소개

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